Records Management Act

Statute Description
84-1201 Legislative intent.
84-1202 Terms, defined.
84-1203 Secretary of State; State Records Administrator; duties.
84-1204 State Records Board; established; membership.
84-1205 Board network manager duties.
84-1205.01 Technical advisory committee; established; membership.
84-1205.02 Board; establish fees.
84-1205.03 State agency; electronic access to public records; approval required; when; one-time fee.
84-1205.04 Contract; public bidding required; when.
84-1205.05 Board; reports.
84-1205.06 Public record; copies; media; denial of request; effect; appeal.
84-1206 Administrator; duties.
84-1207 State executive head; duties.
84-1207.01 Agency head; designate records officer; duties.
84-1208 Administrator; preservation duplicates of essential records; process used; exception.
84-1209 Administrator; storage of records and preservation duplicates; charges.
84-1210 Administrator; records; maintain; temporary removal; inspection.
84-1211 Records; confidential; protection.
84-1212 Program for selection and preservation of essential records; review, periodically.
84-1212.01 Records retention and disposition schedule; review by State Archivist; approval; review by administrator.
84-1212.02 Records retention and disposition schedule; disposal of records pursuant to schedule; report.
84-1213 Records; property and disposition of government; protected; willfully mutilate, destroy, transfer, remove, damage, or otherwise dispose of; violation; penalty.
84-1213.01 Records; violation; prosecute.
84-1214 Agency; disposition of records; procedure.
84-1214.01 State archives; authority; duties.
84-1215 Nonrecord material; destruction; procedure; personal and political papers; preservation.
84-1216 Administrator; rules and regulations; promulgate.
84-1217 Agencies; preservation of records; administrator; advise.
84-1218 Political subdivisions; preservation of records; administrator; advise and assist; rules and regulations.
84-1219 Administrator; biennial report; copies; furnish.
84-1220 Act, how cited.
84-1221 Repealed.  Laws 1989, LB 18, ยง 10.
84-1222 Purchase of microfilm system or equipment; approval; property of State Records Administrator.
84-1223 Micrographic production, processing, and viewing equipment; property of administrator; exception; credit.
84-1224 State Records Administrator; powers.
84-1225 State Records Administrator; micropublishing and computer output microfilm services; charges.
84-1226 Records Management Micrographics Services Revolving Fund; created; credits; expenditures; rental.
84-1227 Records Management Cash Fund; created use; investment.
84-1228 Electronic Record constituting permanent record; requirements.
84-1229 Electronic records; authorized