Nebraska Drop Box Locator

Drop Box Locator

If you wish to return your early voting ballot via drop box, you must use a drop box located within your county. The voted ballot must be placed in the return envelope; the envelope must be sealed and signed by the voter.

You can find the nearest drop box with our locator tool below.


Deadline to Return

The deadline to return voted ballots via drop box is the close of polls on election day:

  • Statewide Elections: 
    • Primary:   8 PM CT / 7 PM MT
    • General:   8 PM CT / 7 PM MT
  • Special Elections:
    • by Polls:  8 PM CT / 7 PM MT
    • by Mail:   5 PM local time

Unable to sign the return envelope?

If you are unable to sign the return envelope, you may make your mark next to your printed name written by another person or use a signature stamp. The name and address of any person rendering assistance to you must be written near your mark or signature stamp impression. If you needed assistance in completing the ballot as well, please contact your county election office for an assistance oath to be returned with your ballot.

How can our tool be improved?

If you notice an error in a pin drop location, an out of date picture, or if you just have suggestions on the format or data content, we want to hear from you! Please visit our Contact Us page.